Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Whadddd up Blogspot

Hey Guys, 

I've been playing SnGs for a month now, I started at the $3.30s on stars at the begining of the month and have moved up to the 16s. 

Heres my graph for the month.

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I was making the push for a 2k month, but had a nice little downswing in the last 60 games. I have a goal for a 3.5k month next month at the 16s, Im looking to play around 2800 games.

I am also backed by Josh, or werd2u on stars. You can find a link to his blog on the right side of the page.
Anyways, Its NYE tonight so i have to go get ready to drink my face off.
Later world.

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